Build Phenox library

Phenox library consists of two directories ("phenox/library", "phenox/work"). APIs and their definition are in "phenox/library", and user projects and tutorials are in "phenox/work". Projects in "phenox/work" can call APIs of Phenox library by including "pxlib.a", "pxlib.h" and "".

In each projects, users need to set physical parameters to operate Phenox2 in "parameter.c" in C language project.

Create and build custom project

C language project

The most simple way to create a project is to copy template from tutorials.

phenox# cd /root/phenox/work/
phenox# cp -a tutorial_sample myproject

After rewriting main.c and parameter.c, build using following command.

phenox# cd /root/phenox/work/myproject
phenox# make clean all

Compiled project can be executed by running "./main"

phenox#  ./main