
float duty_hover

Basic thrust when Phenox2 is in hovering state (PX_HOVER). PD gain parameters specified by P-gain(pgain_sonar_tz) and D-gain(dgain_sonar_tz) are added to this basic thrust, which is measured by ultrasonic sensor..

This parameters should be changed according to payload of Phenox2, ranging from 1800 to 2200.

float duty_hover_max

Maximum thrust when Phenox2 is in hovering state (PX_HOVER). This parameters should be changed according to payload of Phenox2, ranging from duty_hover+150 to duty_hover+250.

float duty_hover_min

Minimum thrust when Phenox2 is in hovering state (PX_HOVER). This parameters should be changed according to payload of Phenox2, ranging from duty_hover-150 to duty_hover-250.

float duty_up

Thrust when Phenox2 is in rise state (PX_UP).
This parameters should be changed according to payload of Phenox2, ranging from duty_hover+150 to duty_hover+250.

float duty_down

Thrust when Phenox2 is in down state (PX_DOWN).
This parameters should be changed according to payload of Phenox2, ranging from duty_hover-150 to duty_hover-250.

float duty_bias_front

Additional thrust to front motor. This parameters should be changed according to the location of a center of mass, ranging from -300 to 300.

float duty_bias_back

Additional thrust to back motor. This parameters should be changed according to the location of a center of mass, ranging from -300 to 300.

float duty_bias_left

Additional thrust to left motor. This parameters should be changed according to the location of a center of mass, ranging from -300 to 300.

float duty_bias_right

Additional thrust to right motor. This parameters should be changed according to the location of a center of mass, ranging from -300 to 300.

float pgain_vision_tx

P-gain parameter of X axis specified by pxset_visioncontrol_xy().

float pgain_vision_ty

P-gain parameter of Y axis specified by pxset_visioncontrol_xy().

float dgain_vision_tx

D-gain parameter of X axis specified by pxset_visioncontrol_xy().

float dgain_vision_ty

D-gain parameter of Y axis specified by pxset_visioncontrol_xy().

float pgain_sonar_tz

P-gain parameter of Z axis specified by pxset_rangecontrol_z().

float dgain_sonar_tz

D-gain parameter of Z axis specified by pxset_rangecontrol_z().

int whisleborder

Border of whisle detection used by pxget_whisle_detect(). When this value is smaller, whisle detection has more sensitivity to detect smaller sound.

float uptime_max

Time (second) of rise state (PX_UP) when pxset_operate_mode(PX_UP) is called. Phenox2 enters PX_HOVER state automatically by CPU1 after this time.

float downtime_max

Time (second) of down state (PX_DOWN) when pxset_operate_mode(PX_DOWN) is called. Phenox2 enters PX_HALT state automatically by CPU1 after this time.

float dangz_rotspeed

Rotation speed when Phenox2 rotates around degZ by calling pxset_dst_degz().

int featurecontrast_front

Contrast of visual feature points detection of front camera used by pxset_imgfeature_query() and pxget_imgfeature() functions. If this value is larger, less visual feature points are found, but become more robust to noise.

int featurecontrast_bottom

Contrast of visual feature points detection of bottom camera used by pxset_imgfeature_query() and pxget_imgfeature() functions. If this value is larger, less visual feature points are found, but become more robust to noise.

float pgain_degx

P-gain around degX during flight state(PX_UP,PX_HOVER,PX_DOWN). Change this value according to payload and external noise.

float pgain_degy

P-gain around degY during flight state(PX_UP,PX_HOVER,PX_DOWN). Change this value according to payload and external noise.

float pgain_degz

P-gain around degZ during flight state(PX_UP,PX_HOVER,PX_DOWN). Change this value according to payload and external noise.

float dgain_degx

D-gain around degX during flight state(PX_UP,PX_HOVER,PX_DOWN). Change this value according to payload and external noise.

float dgain_degy

D-gain around degY during flight state(PX_UP,PX_HOVER,PX_DOWN). Change this value according to payload and external noise.

float dgain_degz

D-gain around degZ during flight state(PX_UP,PX_HOVER,PX_DOWN). Change this value according to payload and external noise.

int pwm_or_servo

Reserved parameter.

int propeller_monitor

Reserved parameter.